You do have a real flair for storytelling, Samuel. That was intriguing...

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Thank you Reena! It's taken a few years and counting ...

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Your words flow real well.

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Thanks friend. I've been studying a lot of the early modernist / minimalist style the past year or so. Also have been reading Richard Powers, who is a master at flow.

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“If you're doing business with a religious son of a bitch, get it in writing; his word isn't worth shit, not with the good Lord telling him how to fuck you on the deal.“

- Bill Burroughs

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That's gold. It's almost as if you've had a comparable or similar experience ....

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Still wrapping my head around this series of events. A wild story, a wild life! Looking forward to seeing how it ends up in Pt 3!

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Bark …

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Beautifully written. I really dig your languid, sinuous prose. Your voice is very engaging and the writing is simple and understated. In other words: You do the job :) I relate to the shiftlessness, the moving from job to job, the restlessness of being free and open and independent and determined in your twenties. This is good material.

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Thank you good sir. When I'm at my best the languid prose flows, which, it turns out, applies to my best basketball days, as it does to music ... there's something there, mayhaps.

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This is wonderful, especially: "and in the peculiar language of the teaching curriculum we were taught to ask clients strange questions about whether or not aliens existed, and whether or if they believed in the “theory” of evolution."

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My other favorite question, as per nothing cult-like, was "do you like boiled ham?"

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I laughed out loud. These people! a different species altogether

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